
If you are an Applicant, Reviewer, or Scholarship Administrator, please sign in using your NID email and password. If you need help with your Login or password, please click on trouble signing in.



For Reviewers who are UCF Faculty or Staff, please sign-in into A2O by navigating to https://ucf.academicworks.com/users/sign_in and log in using the Applicant and Administrators tab. You will log in using your NID email address and password. If encountering errors, please contact your scholarship manager for assistance.

For References who are UCF Faculty or Staff, if this is your first time logging into A2O since January 2024, please reach out to sfascholarships@ucf.edu to set-up your Reference account. For those who have completed a reference or review previously, please sign-in into A2O by navigating to https://ucf.academicworks.com/users/sign_in and log in using the Applicant and Administrators tab. You will login using your NID email address and password.

For References who are outside of UCF, please sign in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) using the email address where you received your invitation to access your Reference or Reviewer account. If you don’t have a Blackbaud ID, click Continue with Blackbaud ID then select Sign Up and follow the steps to create one. The sign up is a one-time process. Once you have signed up, you will be able to sign in with your new Blackbaud ID. Note: Only those outside of UCF need to set-up a BBID.

If you need to recover your password or you have not yet received an email confirming your account, see trouble signing in.

Thank you for your assistance with our scholarship selection process.

Office of Student Financial Assistance
University of Central Florida