Resources for Young Single Parents

Scholarships for Single Mothers & Fathers:

  • Single Parents Scholarship. It is offered by the WSU and offers up to $1,000 awards to single parents with custody of one or more children.
  • You must be a first-year student with a 3.0 GPA.

Park Foundation Scholarship.

  • It is aimed at full-time single parents who are students with a clear financial need.

Downer-Bennett Scholarship.

  • You can receive from $200 to $1,000 of financial assistance if you have a good GPA and will complete at least 12 hours per semester.

Live Your Dreams Award.

  • You can receive from $3,000 to $10,000 assistance if you are a single parent who has been through poverty, domestic violence, drug, or alcohol abuse.
  • You must have a financial need and belong to a Soroptimist International territory.

Scholarships 4 Moms.

  • You can receive $10,000 assistance to fund the school of your choice as a single mom by becoming a part of the foundation.

Scholarships for Minority Single Parents:

  • If you are at least 30 years old and older, a single parent with children entering your freshman or junior college year, you can consider this $1,900 award.
  • A minimum of 2.5 GPA is recommended. The minority students are in priority.
  • It is aimed at Hispanic single parents with children who are enrolled in associate’s degree programs at the ACC.
  • You must show a financial need and have a 3.0 GPA.

External Scholarships