STC - UCF Melissa Pellegrin Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship supports graduate and undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Humanities, Department of English, with a focus on Technical Writing.
Recipients will be selected from the following established criteria:

  • Must be working towards a Major in Technical Writing
  • Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Must submit an essay that describes their interest in the discipline of technical communications and illustrates their understanding of a commitment to the profession.
  • Financial need will be a consideration after meeting the required criteria, including those of the non-traditional student who may have obstacles preventing them from returning to school for a degree in Technical Communication

This scholarship will be used to pay for tuition, textbooks, fees, and any other items included in the cost of education.
The scholarship will be awarded annually and paid on a semester basis.

COAH - Department of English, College of Arts and Humanities (COAH)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please share which of the following majors you are working to acquire.
  2. Non-traditional Student
    • Are you a non-traditional student?
    • What identifies you as a non-traditional student?
  3. What obstacles, if any, are preventing you from returning to school for a degree in Technical Communications?
  4. Please share, in letter format, your interest in the discipline of technical communications with illustration of your understanding and commitment to the profession. NOTE: Your letter will be graded on content, organization, style, clarity, conciseness, mechanics, and creativity.