Rosen College of Hospitality Management Scholarship

Rosen College of Hospitality Management has a number of scholarship opportunities but has chosen to utilize a general scholarship application to be able to make selections for all of their opportunities.

Students majoring in the degree program offered by the Rosen College should complete and submit this general application to be considered for all of the Rosen Scholarship opportunities.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic criteria as well as any combination of financial need, campus/community activities, leadership positions, and work experience.

Scholarships range from $1,000 to $3,000. Awards are divided equally for Fall Semester and Spring Semester.

These scholarships are not available for the Summer Semester.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you currently enrolled in one of the degree programs offered by the UCF Rosen College?
  2. If you have chosen a track for your study, please identify which track. If you have chosen multiple tracks, please provide the primary one.
  3. A few sponsors (in the Tampa Bay area) want to know whether you would be interested in pursuing your career in the Tampa Bay area after graduation, if opportunities are available. Would you like to consider accepting job offers in the Tampa Bay area after graduation?
  4. Please upload a resume which includes all activities, including but not limited to academic, industry/job-related, philanthropic, other achievements and awards. Please include any college or university activities if applicable.
  5. Please submit a 1,000 word essay answering the following questions: Why is college education important to you? Why do you plan to attend the UCF Rosen College? Additional topics may include: Your strengths and weaknesses, how are you developing your intellectual capability with overall integrity through your education, how will Rosen College help you, and by your enrollment does Rosen College become a better educational institution? Additionally, if you want to be cosidered for the Merendino Foundation Wine Scholarship, please specify the following information in your essay - Enrollment in the Beverage Mgmt. Certificate program, and answer the next question (on Merendino Wine Scholarship).
  6. The scholarship from Merendino Foundation requires applicants to complete one of the wine courses in the program (HFT 3868C, HFT 4067, or HFT 4866C) by the end of the Spring 2023. Did you complete one of the listed courses or are you currently taking one of the courses to complete by the end of spring 2023?
  7. Are you a student of Online Degree Prgram?
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