Dana S. Zeiher Memorial Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarship is provide awards to award UCF employees who are degree-seeking students enrolled in the UCF College of Business Administration.


  • Applicant must be currently employed at UCF as a USPS or A&P staff member, be eligible for tuition waiver, and be enrolled during the semester in which the award is made.
  • Applicant must be a degree-seeking student at UCF and enrolled as either full-time or part-time at the undergraduate or graduate level in the College of Business Administration.
  • Applicant must hold a minimum 3.0 overall grade point average.
  • Applicant must write an essay describing why they chose the degree they are seeking, and how this degree will be career enhancing.

This Scholarship cannot pay over a student’s Cost of Attendance (COA). COA is the estimated amount it will cost a student to attend the university. Additional information about COA can be found at https://www.ucf.edu/financial-aid/cost/.

Yes. Applicant may receive the award in successive semesters until graduation as long as eligibility is maintained and an A2O application is completed each year of renewal eligibility.

Office of Student Financial Assistance

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you currently employed at UCF as a USPS or A&P staff member and eligible for a tuition waiver who will be enrolled in the upcoming Fall semester?
  2. Please submit an essay describing why you chose the degree you are seeking and how this degree will be career enhancing