Women in Tech Scholarship

Eligibility & Requirements
This application is open to female high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students. Due to complexities with international funding, we will only consider submissions from U.S. citizens.

  • Please specify your intended field of study and your current grade or degree level within your application.
  • We also request either proof of college acceptance or a high school transcript at the time of submission.
  • We’d love to know your future goals and why you deserve this scholarship, so we’re asking you to provide a brief biography of no more than 250 words with your application.

Your submission will not be considered if it does not include the following:

  • A short bio with your intended field of study and education level
  • Proof of education
  • Evidence of U.S. citizenship (valid address)
  • A 1,000-word essay
    In 1,000 words, tell us what motivates and inspires you to pursue a career in technology or as an entrepreneur, and discuss the challenges, benefits, and opportunities for women in technology

Essays: Why technology needs more female entrepreneurs
Choose a prompt
You’re welcome to use the following questions to help spark your creativity, but you aren’t required to answer them.

  • In your opinion, what are the most pressing issues facing the tech industry today, and how can female entrepreneurs help address these issues?
  • How do you see technology benefiting from more female entrepreneurs, and what unique perspectives and skills can they bring to the field?
  • More than half of startups in the US have no women on the team. Why do you think there is a lack of female representation in the tech industry, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship?
  • In the technology industry, it’s challenging to get females in, to get them to stay once they’re in, and to then get them into positions of leadership. Why do you think this is the case, and how can each of these challenges be overcome?
  • How have female entrepreneurs made a significant impact in the tech industry in recent years, and what lessons can we learn from their success stories?

External Scholarships