PixelPlex Scholarship


1. Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident.

2. Be enrolled (or accepted with plans to attend) in a college or university in the United States.

3. Applicant’s field of study must be related to science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), economics, or business.

Deadline and Awards Announcement

1. Deadlines to apply: December 5, 2024 and June 5, 2025.

2. The winner will be announced at pixelplex.io/scholarship/ within 31 calendar days after the deadline and notified by phone and email.
Application Guidelines

1. Choose an industry or sector where the application of one of the technologies below might be uncommon, in your opinion, and describe which existing problems will be solved as a result. Pick from the following technologies (updated):

a) Blockchain b) Metaverses c) Tokenization

d) Big data & machine learning

2. Send an email to scholarship@pixelplex.io with the following:

a) “PixelPlex Scholarship Award: Applicant’s Name” in the subject field. b) A short paragraph or two about yourself. c) Attached essay in Word or PDF document. d) The essay’s length should be at least 1200 words. e) Full name (if under 18, parent or guardian name as well), f) College or university name, expected year of graduation, field of study, phone number, email address, proof of attendance or acceptance.

Additional information regarding the scholarship can be found on our scholarship page: https://pixelplex.io/scholarship/

External Scholarships