Providing Autism Links & Support (PALS) Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded this upcoming Fall semester.

The mission of PALS is to create opportunities for individuals, of all ages, with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), registered with the UCF Center for Autism and Related Disabilities(CARD) by providing state-of-the-art social inclusive community programs in Orange, Osceola, Brevard, Sumter, Lake, Volusia, and Seminole counties to optimize positive outcomes as they learn, play, work and live.

Recipients will be selected based on the following established criteria:

  • Preference given to students who are registered with UCF Center for Autism and Related Disabilities(CARD) .
  • If not served by CARD, preference given to students from Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Osceola and Sumter counties.
  • Please provide a brief statement (250 words max, 12-pt font) about how autism has impacted your life.

College of Health Professions and Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a constituent of the UCF Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)?
  2. Are you a resident of one of the following counties: Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Osceola or Sumter?
  3. Please provide a brief statement (250 words max) about how autism has impacted your life.