Atla Scholarship

About the Scholarship

  • Previously, our scholarship was limited to studies in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability. We now acknowledge that all disciplines must embrace sustainability to ensure a thriving planet for future generations.
  • The winner of our Atla Sustainability Scholarship receives $1,500 for education-related expenses, including tuition, books, campus housing, and more. In addition, two runners-up will each be awarded $250.

Recipient Eligibility

  • Students must be legal residents of the United States and be enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States.
  • Students must also have attended an accredited school for at least one full year before applying.

How to Apply

  • Apply by email to from their ‘.edu’ email address. In this email, please provide the committee with a short description of yourself and a 500-word essay on how you intend to use your education to promote sustainability.
  • Please use the subject line “Atla Scholarship 2025”.

External Scholarships